GRL-USB-PD-C2/C2-EPR API Documentation
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GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller Class Reference

Public Member Functions

int Initialize (String ipAddress, int controllerIndex=0, bool isClearCommn=true)
 Method to Initialize IP address and controllerIndex.
int UseTypeCCable (ControllerPort port=ControllerPort.ONE)
 API to configure GRL-SPL cable.
int UseTesterCable (VendorDefinedMessage vdm=null, ControllerPort port=ControllerPort.ONE, EmulateCableOn ccline=EmulateCableOn.CC2)
vdmIf the VDM is not set, default VDM with 20V 5A will be set
portGRL-USB-PD-C2's Port 1 or Port 2. Default is Port 1
cclineUsing EmulateCableOn you can set Rp value on CC line ccline = EmulateCableOn.CC1 then Rp value in CC2 line ccline = EmulateCableOn.CC2 then Rp value in CC1 line
Return 0 if Success.

List< MeasurementChannel > CreatePlotDisplayList (MeasurementChannel channel=MeasurementChannel.END)
 Creates default plots for the display channels. Using the add or clear list functions will enable adding display channels to the plot. You will need to create the display channel list before calling the Show Plot function.
List< MeasurementChannel > AddPlotDisplayList (MeasurementChannel channel)
 Adds display channels to the existing plot. This function needs to be called before calling the Show Plot function.
int ShortVBUSLine (bool EnableShort, ControllerPort port=ControllerPort.ONE)
 Use this API to short VBUS line to ground.
void DebugLogger (string discription, Exception ex)
 Saves all the Exception in text file in Location C:\GRL\Appdata.
bool EnableQcLegacyMode (bool enable)
 Sets the Controller to QC Legacy Mode.
bool FloatDpDn (bool enable)
 Float DPlus and Dminus.
bool FloatBothDpDn ()
 Sets trhe Controller to QC Legacy Mode.
bool ShortVbustoGround (bool IsEnable, int shortingTime_milliSec, ControllerPort port=ControllerPort.ONE)
 TO short VBUS to ground.
bool ShortVconntoGround (bool IsEnable, int shortingTime_milliSec, VCONNLoading Vconnlodg=VCONNLoading.VCONN_TO_CC2, ControllerPort port=ControllerPort.ONE)
 TO short VCONN to ground.
void EmulateQCSource (bool enableQcSource)
 API to emulate Tester as QC source.
void WaitFor (int waitTimeMilli)
 Method to provide delay in milliseconds.
int ValidateRequest_By_index (int iPDOind, ControllerPort port=ControllerPort.ONE)
 API to validate request message by using request message PDO index.
void EnableLSADCDebugLog (bool enable)
 This API used for the enabling the LSADC Debug log write.
void EnableReadDebugLogger (bool enable)
 This API used for the enabling the LSADC Debug log Read.
int Short_Dplus_Dminus (bool isApplyShort)
 Using this API to SHORT D+ and D- line.
void CCLineStreamingTimerReset (int controllerIndex)
 Use this API to reset streamer time.
void AttachController (int controllerIndex, CommunicationPORT commPort)
 Use this API to Attach selective port.
void DetachController (int controllerIndex, CommunicationPORT commPort)
 Use this API to Detach selective port.
void QuickAttachPort (CommunicationPORT commPort, byte[] buffData)
 Use this API to Attach selective port in two controller.
void QuickDetachPort (CommunicationPORT commPort, byte[] buffData)
 Use this API to Detach selective port in two controller.
bool StartReadingStreamerData (int controllerIndex)
 Use this API to read streamer data from controller.
void Request_PortA_PortB (RequestMessage message)
 Use this API to send Request message for both ports (GrlPdLib.ControllerPort.ONE and GrlPdLib.ControllerPort.TWO)
void InitialConfig ()
 Use this API to configure Tester mode as Sink, Cable type as GRL_SPL_Cable in both ports (GrlPdLib.ControllerPort.ONE and GrlPdLib.ControllerPort.TWO)
bool Bit_Manipulation_Response_Check (MsgType msgType, SpecRevision specRev, SOP_TYPE sopType, int iErrorType, bool extHeader=false, int txTimerInMilliSec=500)
 This API used for the manipulating the BIT (conversion) to required BIT.
double UpdateVoltageToPDMessage (ControllerPort port=ControllerPort.ONE)
 Use this API to Update the voltage to PDMessage.
bool Interruption_by_PD_Message ()
 Use this API to send Interruption by PD Message.
PDMessage VerifyVDMGoodCRCresponse (List< PDMessage > msglst, VDM_CMD vdmCmd, VDM_CMD_Type vdm_cmdtype, SOP_TYPE soptype, int iOccurance, bool IsTestermsg=true)
 GrlC2Controller (bool isCreateNewInstance=true)
int Attach (ControllerPort port=ControllerPort.ONE)
 Enables the GRL-USB-PD-C2 controller to be programmatic controlled when plugged in with the DUT.
int Detach (ControllerPort port=ControllerPort.ONE)
 Enables the GRL-USB-PD-C2/F1 controller to be programmatically controlled when removing the attached DUT.
This function removes all the Rp/Rd values from the CC line and changes the state of the controller to Source Detach or Sink Detach. It is recommended to call this Detach function before configuring the controller mode, setting the source sink and source capabilities and calling the Attach function.
int ADCRead (List< MeasurementChannel > channelList=null, string name="")
void UpdateController (PD_Controller m_PDctrl, PD_Controller_C2Gen2 m_PDctrlGen2)
 To update the Controllers.
int StartCapture (List< MeasurementChannel > listOfMeasurementChannel=null, int subSamplingRatio=1000, bool enCableDrop=false, bool bEnableLSADC=true, bool bEnableCCLine=true, int socBufferSize=1, ControllerPort port=ControllerPort.ONE)
 This API starts the data capture from the C2 Controller, which includes PD messages and configured list of signal channels from USB-C port of C2 Controller.
int StopCapture (int Timeout=5000)
 Stops the data capture, including any PD messages and voltage values.
int ConfigureControlMessageResponse (MsgType receivedMessageType, ResponderMessageType responseMessageType, ControllerPort port=ControllerPort.ONE)
 Configures response messages for the GRL-USB-PD-C2/F1 controller.
bool ConfigPS_Ready_Delay (PS_RDY_Type psRdyType, uint delayInmSec=0, bool setDefaultTimer=true)
 This API is used to configure delay for PS_RDY message.
void ConfigurePacketDelay (MsgType delayMsgType, Type_of_Msg MessageType, double dDelay_mS, bool bEnableDelay)
 This API used for Set the packet delay in milli seonds.
bool Config_HSADC (ControllerPort port=ControllerPort.ONE)
 This API used to configure the HSADC data.
void Config_CC1_Channel (ControllerPort port=ControllerPort.ONE)
 This API used for configuring the CC1 channel data.
void Config_CC2_Channel (ControllerPort port=ControllerPort.ONE)
 This API used for configuring the CC2 channel data.
void ConfigureADC (LSADC_Channel channels, bool LSADC0En, bool LSADC1En, bool LSADC2En)
 This API used for configuring the ADC channel data.
void ConfigCC1_HSADC (ControllerPort controllerPort=ControllerPort.ONE)
 This API used for configuring the CC1 amd HSADC channel data.
void ConfigCC2_HSADC (ControllerPort controllerPort=ControllerPort.ONE)
 This API used for configuring the CC2 amd HSADC channel data.
bool ConfigureAutoTestMode_MaxPower (CableType cable, PortDataRole datRle_Tester, Port_Power_Role powRle_Tester, ControllerPort por=ControllerPort.ONE)
 This API is used to configure controller mode, set cable type and tester will draw max power supported by DUT.
bool ConfigureAutoTestMode_UserDefined (CableType cable, PortDataRole datRle, Port_Power_Role powRle, PowerSupplyType supty, int iPDOInd, double dVoltage_mV, double dCurrent_mA, int iEloadHandle, int iEloadMode, int iEloadPercent, ControllerPort por=ControllerPort.ONE)
 This API is used to configure controller mode, set cable type, and load current details when controller is operating in auto test mode.
bool ConfigReplaceMessage (bool setDefault, MsgType actualMsg, MsgType replaceMsg, Type_of_Msg msgTypeAct, Type_of_Msg msgTypeReplace)
 This API used to configure replace message.
bool ConfigReplaceMessageCount (int iCount)
 To configure replace message count.
bool ConfigureSoftResetResponse (int respMsgVal, int txTimerInMilliSec)
 Use this API to send SoftReset Response.
bool Configure_GlitchAfterAttach_Msg (int iGlitch_Duration, ControllerPort port=ControllerPort.ONE)
 This API is used to generate the Glitch in CC Line.
bool ConfigureReplacePDMessageInGroup (bool setDefault, MsgType actualPdMsgType, MsgType replaceWithPdMsgType, Type_of_Msg msgTypeOfActualPdMsgType, Type_of_Msg msgTypeOfReplacePdMsgType, int txTimerInMilliSec)
 Use this API to replace one PD message with another PD message. Once configured messages please use this API to execute configured messages."GroupMessageConfigure".
bool ConfigureSoftResetResponseForVDMMsg (int respMsgVal, SOP_TYPE sOP_TYPE, int txTimerInMilliSec)
 Use this API to send SoftReset Response for Vendor Defined Message.
bool Configure_Message_To_AMS_Interupt (bool setdefault, MsgType ExpectedMessage, MsgType ConfiguredMessage, Type_of_Msg ExpectedMessageType, Type_of_Msg ConfiguredMessageType, SOP_TYPE sopType=SOP_TYPE.SOP, bool interruptTxMsg=false, ControllerPort port=ControllerPort.ONE)
 This API is used to interrupt the AMS for Interptible and Uninterptible message.
int ConfigureEload (double maxCurrentInAmps, EloadChannel eloadChannel, SwitchState state, VCONNLoading vCONNLoading=VCONNLoading.Disable_VCONN, ControllerPort pORT=ControllerPort.ONE)
 API to use configure the Eload.
int ConfigureEloadinGroup (double maxCurrentInAmps, EloadChannel eloadChannel, SwitchState state, VCONNLoading vCONNLoading=VCONNLoading.Disable_VCONN, ControllerPort pORT=ControllerPort.ONE, SOP_TYPE sopType=SOP_TYPE.SOP)
 API to use configure the Eload in group.
int SetEloadCurrent (double voltageInVolts, double maxCurrentInAmps, SwitchState state, EloadChannel channel, ControllerPort port=ControllerPort.ONE)
 Sets the E-load Current to be drawn in the constant current mode. Ensure that the GRL-USB-PD-C2/F1 controller mode is set as a Sink before calling this method and also turn ON the E-load switch using the SetEloadState function.
int SetEloadCurrentRange (double LoadStart_Amps, double LoadStop_Amps, int LoadStep_MilliAmps, int StepIntervalMilliSec, EloadMode LoadMode, double LoadStopCondition_VoltageDropMin_Volts, EloadChannel channel, ControllerPort port=ControllerPort.ONE)
 API to sweep the load current with configurable load step in Constant Current or Constant Resistance mode In CC Mode, Lowest load step is 8mA In CR Mode, Lowest load step is 25mA.
int SetEloadState (EloadChannel channel, SwitchState state, ControllerPort port=ControllerPort.ONE)
 Sets the E-load state as ON or OFF. Ensure that the GRL-USB-PD-C2 controller mode is set as a Sink before turning on the E-load. You may also need to ensure the VBUS switch is turned OFF before turning ON the E-load switch. Use this function with caution - in case the over current protection of the DUT is not turned on, drawing more power may cause damage to the DUT.
string GetEloadVersion ()
 Get C2 Eload version.
bool SwitchToExternalEload (bool isEnable)
 External eload ON/OFF.
int SetEPRMode (bool enableEPRMode, ControllerPort port=ControllerPort.ONE)
 This API is used to enable or disable the EPR mode.
int Set_EPR_SourceCap_Configuration (SourceCapability sourceCapabilityObj, ControllerPort port=ControllerPort.ONE)
 This API is used to Send EPR Sourcecap.
int Set_EPR_Request_Configuration (RequestMessage requestMessageObj, byte PDONumber, ControllerPort port=ControllerPort.ONE)
 This API is used to Send EPR Request message.
int SetEPRActionConfiguration (EPRConfig eprConfig, ControllerPort port=ControllerPort.ONE)
 This API is used to Set EPR Configuration.
int Set_EPR_SinkCap_Configuration (SinkCapability sinkCapabilityObj, ControllerPort port=ControllerPort.ONE)
 This API is used to Send EPR Sinkcap.
bool Set_EPR_Unchunked_Request_Configuration (bool isUnchunked=true)
 This API is used to enable or disable EPR Unchunked request message.
bool Set_EPR_Mode_Exit_Configuration ()
 This API is used to enable or disable EPR mode exit.
bool Set_SOP_Prime_DiscovID_Configuration (bool isSendSOPPrimeDiscId)
 This API is to enable or disable Prime DiscoverID configuration.
bool Set_EPR_PPS_Eload_Configuration (byte ppsEloadCfg)
 This API is to enable or disable EPR PPS Eload configuration.
int SendEPRRequestMessage (RequestMessage msg, ControllerPort port=ControllerPort.ONE)
 This function used to send EPRRequest message.
int SendEPRModemsg (EPR_Mode_Message msg, ControllerPort port=ControllerPort.ONE)
 This function is to send EPR Mode message.
int SetTesterUnChkExdMsgSupport (int iSupported, bool bClearConfig, bool IsAppCtrl)
 This API used to enable or disable the Unchunked Extended message.
int GetCommandExecutionStatus ()
 Returns the execution status of last API.
double GetMeasurementValue (MeasurementChannel channel, double dTimeInSeconds)
 This API is used to Get the measurement value.
double GetPresentMeasurementValue (MeasurementChannel channel)
 This API is used to get the current measurement value.
List< LSADC_DataRead > GetPresentMeasurementValue (List< MeasurementChannel > channel)
 This API is used to get the voltage and current measurement value.
dynamic GetPresentMeasurementValue ()
 This API is used to get the voltage and current measurement value.
string GetFirmwareVersion ()
 This API is used to get C2 Firmware version.
SourceCapability GetSourceCapabilityFromPDMessageObject (PDMessage pdMsg, ControllerPort port=ControllerPort.ONE)
 Convert PD Message to SourceCapability message.
int GetCaptureStatus ()
 This API is used to determine whether the streamer has started or not.
int GetConnectionStatus ()
 This API is used to get the Connection Status of the PD controller. If the PD controller is connected this function returns connected.
int GetPdStatus (ControllerPort port=ControllerPort.ONE)
 This API is used to get the PD contract negotiation status.
ControllerMode GetControllerMode (ControllerPort port=ControllerPort.ONE)
 This API is used to get the GRL-USB-PD-C2/F1 controller mode during PD contract negotiations.
SourceCapability GetDutSourceCapability (ControllerPort port=ControllerPort.ONE)
 This API is used to get Source Capabilities from the connected Source DUT. If the connected DUT is not a Source device, it will return null.
SinkCapability GetDutSinkCapability (ControllerPort port=ControllerPort.ONE)
 This API is used to get Sink Capabilities from the Sink DUT. If the connected DUT is not Sink device, it will return null.
SourceCapability GetDutExtendedSourceCapability (ControllerPort port=ControllerPort.ONE)
 This API is used to get Extended Source Capabilities from the connected Source DUT. If the connected DUT is not a Source device, it will return null.
VendorDefinedMessage GetCableCapability (ControllerPort port=ControllerPort.ONE)
 Returns the capabilities of e marker cable connected to GRL-USB-PD-C2 controller.
int GetCCLineActive ()
 Used this API to get active communication line(CC)
int GetListOfPDOFromPDMessage (List< PDMessage > msgCollec)
 Use this API to get list of PDO's sent by DUT.
List< PDMessage > GetPDMessages (ControllerPort port=ControllerPort.ONE)
 Use this API to get CC line msg from the controller.
dynamic GetPDMessage (ControllerPort port=ControllerPort.ONE, MsgType msgType=MsgType.NONE, int iOccur=1)
 Use this API to get PD message from the controller.
int GetTotalPDMessageCount (ControllerPort port=ControllerPort.ONE)
 Use this API to get Total PDmsg count.
double GetTimeAtVoltageValue (int channel, double startTime=0.0, int timeIntervalInSec=0, double thresholdVal=0.0, bool isRisingEdge=false)
 Use this API to get time at voltage value.
PDMessage GetPDMessageFromIndex (int iMsgInd, ControllerPort port=ControllerPort.ONE)
 Use this API to get PD msg from index.
List< PDMessage > GetMessages (ControllerPort port=ControllerPort.ONE, bool includeAllBusEvents=true)
 Provides all the PD messages received or sent by the GRL-USB-PD-C2/F1 controller. To enable the PD message capture capability of the controller, the data streamer needs to be configured first. Refer to the StartDataStreamer function for more details on how to set up the streamer.
dynamic GetAssertionMessages (ControllerPort port=ControllerPort.ONE)
 This API is used to get All Assertions messages.
dynamic GetAssertionMsg (ControllerPort port=ControllerPort.ONE, MsgTypeSec msgTypeSec=MsgTypeSec.NONE, int iOccur=1)
 This API is used to get one Assertion message.
dynamic GetAssertionPDMsg (ControllerPort port=ControllerPort.ONE, MsgTypeSec msgTypeSec=MsgTypeSec.NONE, int iOccur=1)
 This API is used to get one Assertion message.
dynamic GetPDMsg (ControllerPort port=ControllerPort.ONE, MsgType msgType=MsgType.NONE, int iOccur=1)
 This API is used to get one PD Message.
string GetSerialNumber ()
 API to get the serial number of the C2 or C2-EPR tester.
double GetTimeDifferenceAtSignalChange (int channel, double stTime=0.0, int timeIntervalInSec=0, double thresholdVal=0.0, bool isRisingEdge=false, ControllerPort port=ControllerPort.ONE, MsgTypeSec msgTypeSec=MsgTypeSec.FR_Swap_Signal_Asserted)
 API to get time Difference at signal change.
double GetTimeForVoltageValue (int channel, double startTime=0.0, double timeIntervalInSec=0, double thresholdVal=0.0, bool isRisingEdge=false)
 API to Get time for voltage value.
string GetSourceCapPDO (ControllerPort port=ControllerPort.ONE)
 API to Get sourcecap PDO details.
double GetHSADCValue ()
 API to get the HSADC data.
double GetDplusCurrent ()
 This API used to get the current value based on the port.
int GroupCommand_Add (GroupCommandAPIEnum cmdType, object cmdInfo, int iTimeDelayInMilliSec, ControllerPort port=ControllerPort.ONE)
 This API is used to configure GRLSharedModule.GroupCommandAPIEnum.
int GroupCommand_Clear ()
 This API used to clear group command configuration.
int GroupCommand_Run ()
 This API is used to configure the GroupCommand message correctly.
bool GroupMessageConfigure (FwMsgCfgType cfgType)
 Use this API to configure the message execution type whether to initiate the messages at the runtime or pre-configure the messages with time delay.
bool GroupMessageClear ()
 Use this API to clear the messages in the buffer.
bool GroupMessageAdd (MsgType pdMsgType, SpecRevision specRev, SOP_TYPE sopType, bool extHeader=false, int txTimerInMilliSec=500, List< byte > extHeaderPayload=null)
 Use this API to add the messages into buffer.
bool AddTracesToController (ControllerPort port=ControllerPort.ONE)
 Use this API to add the traces to GRL_USB_PD_C2 tester.
void SaveHTMLForPDPackets (string fileNameHTML, string testName, string testId, bool isVoltageUpdate=false)
 Used this API to Save PD protocol capture into .html file.
void SaveHTMLForTestSummary (string fileNameHTML, string testName, string testId)
 Used this API to Save TestSummary into .html file.
void SaveHTMLForPDPacketsForFourPort (List< PDMessage > pdMsgCollec, string fileNameHTML, string testName, string testId, bool isVoltageUpdate=false)
 Used this API to Save four port PD protocol capture into .html file.
bool SaveTestResultAndPDPacketInCSV (string fileName, ControllerPort port=ControllerPort.ONE)
 Use this API to save all PD messages into CSV file.
bool SaveTestResultInCSV (PDTestResult baseTestResult)
 Use this API to save validated PD Test Result into CSV file.
bool SaveTestPDPacketInCSV (List< PDMessage > msgColle, string filename, bool isVoltageUpdate=false)
 Use this API to save all PD messages into CSV file.
bool CreateReportFolder ()
 Use this API to Create report folder.
string GetReportFolderPath ()
 Use this API to get the report folder path.
bool SaveTraceFile (string fileName)
 Saves signal and protocol data into specified file.
bool ResetController ()
 Use this API to reset the Controller.
bool Reset_TestResultObject ()
 This API is used to Clear the test result.
bool PowerCycleTheTester ()
 Used this API to Power cycle the GRL_USB_PD_C2 tester.
void ClearCaptureData ()
 Use this API to clear captured data.
int RebootController ()
 This API will reboot the GRL-USB-PD-C2 controller. Expected reboot time is 20-30 seconds. After calling this API, please re-initialize the ethernet connection by calling Initialize() API before calling any further API's.
List< MeasurementChannel > GetPlotDisplayList ()
 This API is used to display the plot .
bool Reset_PDPort (ControllerPort port=ControllerPort.ONE)
 Resets Port1 and Port2 of USB-PD-C2 controller.
int ClearPDMessages (ControllerPort port=ControllerPort.ONE, int iMsgCntToClear=0)
 Clears all captured messages from the PD message capture memory on the GRL-USB-PD-C2/F1 controller. It is recommended to clear the memory before starting a new test to avoid any buffer overflow.
void ClearDutInfo (ControllerPort port=ControllerPort.ONE)
 This API is used for Clear the attributes of dut type.
bool DisposeGRLControllerLink (int controllerIndex)
 Use this API to Disable the GRLController ethernet connection.
List< MeasurementChannel > ClearPlotDisplayList ()
 Clears existing plots of the display channels to make way for creating a new list of channels The new list of channels needs to be created before calling the Show Plot function which otherwise will display Port A VBus and Port A VBus Current channels by default.
int SendControlMessage (MsgType msg, ControllerPort port=ControllerPort.ONE)
 Sends the control messages from the GRL-USB-PD-C2/F1 controller. Some of the messages you can send are.
void SendDataMessage (MsgType msgType, bool isDefaultPayload=true, SOP_TYPE sopType=SOP_TYPE.SOP, SpecRevision revision=SpecRevision.PD_3_0, int noOfDataObjet=1, ControllerPort port=ControllerPort.ONE)
 This API is used to Send Data messages. Alert, Get_Country_Info.
void SendExtendedMessage (MsgType msgType, bool isDefaultPayload=true, SOP_TYPE sopType=SOP_TYPE.SOP, SpecRevision revision=SpecRevision.PD_3_0, int noOfDataObjet=1, ControllerPort port=ControllerPort.ONE)
 This API used to send Extended Message with Payload. Get_Manufacturer_Info, Get_Battery_Status, Get_Battery_Cap, Firmware_Update_Request, Security_Request.
int SendPdoRequestMessage (RequestMessage msg, ControllerPort port=ControllerPort.ONE)
 This API used to sends the PDO request messages during the PD contract negotiations.
int SendVendorDefinedMessage (VendorDefinedMessage initiateMessage, SOP_TYPE sopType=SOP_TYPE.SOP, ControllerPort port=ControllerPort.ONE)
 This API is used to send Vendor Defined message.
int SendSourceCapsMessage (SourceCapability msg, ControllerPort port=ControllerPort.ONE)
 This API is used to initiate sourcecap message.
int SendRequestmessage_By_Index (int iSourcePDOIndex, ControllerPort port=ControllerPort.ONE)
 This API is used to send request message by configuring source PDO index.
void SendFRSwapSignal ()
 Send FR_Swap signal from Tester.
bool SendBISTCarrierMode (SOP_TYPE sopType)
 This API used to send the BIST carrier mode.
bool SendBISTTestData (SOP_TYPE sopType)
 This API is used to send BISTCarrierMode message.
bool SendHardReset (bool isFlip=false, ControllerPort port=ControllerPort.ONE)
 Use this API to send HardReset.
int SendSinkCapMessage (SinkCapability msg, ControllerPort port=ControllerPort.ONE)
 This API is used to send SinkCap message.
bool SendAssertionMessage (ControllerPort port=ControllerPort.ONE)
 Use this API to send assertion message.
bool SendSoftReset (ControllerPort port=ControllerPort.ONE)
 Send SoftReset message with different SOP_TYPE.
void SetCommPort (ControllerPort port)
 This API is used to set the Communication port.
int SetPdSpecificationRevision (SpecRevision specRevision, ControllerPort port=ControllerPort.ONE)
 This API is used to set the PD spec revision value.
int SetSourceCapability (SourceCapability objSourceCapability, ControllerPort port=ControllerPort.ONE)
 This API is used to set the Source cap value.
void SetTesterVBUSCapacitance (Tester_VBus_Capacitance capacitance)
 This API is used to set the VBUS Capacitance on the GRL-USB-PD-C2/F1 controller. When this function is called, appropriate capacitance is added across VBUS and ground.


int SetSinkCapability (SinkCapability objSinkCapability, ControllerPort port=ControllerPort.ONE)
 This API is used to set the sink capability of the GRL-USB-PD-C2/F1 controller. This is applicable only when the controller mode is set as Sink or DRP.
int SetGroupSinkCapability (SinkCapability objSinkCapability, ControllerPort port=ControllerPort.ONE, SOP_TYPE sopType=SOP_TYPE.SOP)
 This API is used to set the group of sink cap's.
int SetSinkRequestMessage (RequestMessage objRequest, ControllerPort port=ControllerPort.ONE)
 This API is used to set the sink request message during the PD contract negotiations. Once the GRL-USB-PD-C2 controller receives the source capability.
int SetControllerMode (ControllerMode mode, ControllerPort port=ControllerPort.ONE)
 This API is used to set the GRL-USB-PD-C2 controller mode as Source, Sink or DRP along with all related functionalities such as SourceCapability, SinkCapability etc. to allow the controller to send the required capabilities when requested by another PD device.
int SetRpValue (RpValue rpVal, ControllerPort port=ControllerPort.ONE)
 This API is used to set Rp value of the C2 Controller when it is set to Source mode Note: Using cable set API (UseTesterCable(EmulateCableOn.CC1)) you can define Rp value on CC1 or CC2.
int SetVendorDefinedMessageResponse (VDM_CMD cmdType, VendorDefinedMessage responseMessage, SOP_TYPE sopType=SOP_TYPE.SOP, ControllerPort port=ControllerPort.ONE)
 This API is used to set Payload details of VDM message responded by USB-PD-C2 controller.
int SetTesterCableDropCompensation (bool compensateCableDrop)
 This API is used to Configure Tester to enable or disable the cable drop compensation in VBUS/VCONN voltage measurements This API is applicable only for GRL-SPL cable.
int SetBatteryStatusMessage (BatteryStatusMesaage batteryStatusMesaage, BatteryStatus batteryStatus, bool InvalidBatteryReference=false, bool BatteryisPresent=false, double BatteryPresentCapacity=0, ControllerPort port=ControllerPort.ONE)
 Sets the Battery Status Messages to be sent as Runtime messages.
int SetVbusVoltage (double voltageInVolt, double currentLimitInAmps, ControllerPort port=ControllerPort.ONE)
 This API is used to set the VBus voltage. Ensure that the GRL-USB-PD-C2/F1 controller mode is set as a Source before setting the voltage. After setting the voltage you may need to turn On the voltage switch using the SetVbusState function.
int SetNotToSendRequestMessageResponse (MsgType msgType, bool dontSendResponse, ControllerPort port=ControllerPort.ONE)
 This API is used to disables the GRL-USB-PD-C2/F1 controller from sending response messages to any particular message requests.
int SetControllerCurrentLimit_Type_C_Only_Mode (double cur_mA, ControllerPort port=ControllerPort.ONE)
 This API should be invoked after setting the controller mode to ControllerMode.Type_C_Only_SRC To set currnt limit.
bool SetBISTSharedTestEntryMode (BIST_TYPE bistType=BIST_TYPE.Reserved, SOP_TYPE sopType=SOP_TYPE.SOP)
 This API is used to send BIST Shared Test Entry Mode message.
bool SetBISTSharedTestExitMode (BIST_TYPE bistType=BIST_TYPE.Reserved, SOP_TYPE sopType=SOP_TYPE.SOP)
 This API is used to send BIST Shared Test Exit Mode.
bool SetMessagePayload (params byte[] payloadInByte)
 This API is used to set payload for Data/Extended messages.
int SetSnifferMode (bool enableSnifferMode, bool IsGRL_SPL_TestCable_UsedOnBothC2Ports=false)
 This API allows user to enable/disable the sniffer mode When sniffer was enabled, controller will capture VBUS/CC1/CC2 details exchanged between devices connected between Port1 and extension slot. When sniffer was enabled, controller will be set to default working mode This API allows user to enable/disable the sniffer mode When sniffer was enabled, controller will capture VBUS/CC1/CC2 details exchanged between devices connected between Port1 and extension slot. When sniffer was enabled, controller will be set to default working mode.
bool SetTriggerOutput (int TriggerPulseDurationInMicroSeconds=300)
 This API is used to set the output trigger with pulse signal.
int SetTesterAsQuickChargeSink (bool enableQCMode, bool enablePDSupportInQCMode)
 This API is used to set tester as quick charge sink device.
int SetQCVoltageChangeRequest (int Voltage)
 This API is used to request QC sink DUT to change the voltage level to 5V, 9V, 12V or 20V.
int SetQCVoltageIncrementRequest_200mV ()
 API to increase VBUS voltage level by 200mV by sending pulses over D+ line.
int SetQCVoltageDecrementRequest_200mV ()
 This API is used to decrease VBUS voltage level by 200mV by sending pulses over D- line.
int SetVconnLoadCurrent (double Vconn_Current, VCONNLoading vCONNLoading=VCONNLoading.VCONN_TO_CC2, ControllerPort port=ControllerPort.ONE)
 This API is used to set VCONN Current, Either CC1 or CC2.
bool SetDRswapConfiguration (DR_SWAP_ENUM dR_SWAP)
 This API is used to send the response message to DR_SWAP message Send = 1, Accept = 2, Send_Accept = 3, NONE.
bool SelectCableType (CableType cableType, ControllerPort port=ControllerPort.ONE)
 This API is used to configure the type of cable.
bool SetOverCurrentProtection (bool enableOCP, bool enableCurrentLimit, int setOCPValue)
 This API is used to set over current protection value of C2 controller.
bool SetControllerConfiguration (ControllerConfigEnum controllerConfigEnum, ControllerPort port=ControllerPort.ONE)
 This API is used for configuring the C2 controller mode.
bool SetVconnVoltage (double voltage, ControllerPort port=ControllerPort.ONE)
 This API is used for the configuring the VCONN voltage on CC1 or CC2 line.
bool Set_Dplus_Voltage (double voltage)
 This API is used to configure the minimum and maximum voltage in Programmable Power Supply (PPS).
bool Set_Dminus_Voltage (double voltage)
 This API is used to configure the minimum voltage in Programmable Power Supply (PPS).
bool SetAutoTestMode (bool bIsEnable, ControllerPort por=ControllerPort.ONE)
 This API is used to set auto test mode in GRl C2 controller.
void SetFRSwapDetection (bool isFRSwapEnable=true)
 This API used to Set FRSwap signal detect configuration.
void SetControllerIndex (int controllerIndex)
 This API isused to set controller index.
bool SetCableType (int cableType=0, ControllerPort port=ControllerPort.ONE)
 This API is used to set the cable type.
void SetPd_Controller (PD_Controller pdCtrler)
 This API is used for configuring the PD parameters to their default values.
void SetDataStreamService (DataStreamService dataStream)
 This API is used to configure the parameters of the Data Stream service .
void SetC2Sniffer (C2SnifferNew c2SniffObj)
 This API is used to configure the C2 browser app in SNIFFER mode.
bool SetVconnVoltage (double dVconnVolt, VCONNLoading vconnComm, ControllerPort port=ControllerPort.ONE)
 This API is used to set the tester Vconn voltage either CC2 or CC1.

Public Attributes

DataStreamService m_C2DataCenter
string m_C2SerialNumber = ""
APIValidationHelper ApiHelper
System.Timers.Timer startCaptureTimer
bool bIsResultUpdatedOnce = false
TestResult SecTestResult = TestResult.NA
string TestDesc = ""
string StrManufactureTxt = "X"
string StrModalNoTxt = "X"
string StrSerialNoTxt = "X"
string StrTestLabTxt = "X"
string StrRemarksTxt = "X"
string StrTestEngTxt = "X"
bool m_SelectEyeDiagram = false
bool m_SelectSaveedImages = false
bool m_SelectPacketList = false
bool m_SelectTestResults = false
bool m_IsPacketSelected = false
int m_iSelectedPktIndex = 0
bool m_SelectCSV = false
bool m_SelectPDF = true
bool m_SelectHTML = true
bool m_SelectXML = false
bool m_SelectCopyWfmFiles = false
bool m_OpenReportFile = false
string mFileName = ""
string mFileNameCSVSummary = ""
bool m_SelectProperty = false
string m_TableScreen = "ScreenShot"
string m_ReportLocation = ""
PDMessage DutCaps_Source = null
List< byte > MsgPayload = null


String IpAddress [get, set]

Member Function Documentation

◆ AddPlotDisplayList()

List< MeasurementChannel > GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.AddPlotDisplayList ( MeasurementChannel channel)

Adds display channels to the existing plot. This function needs to be called before calling the Show Plot function.

channelChannel to be added in plot
Updated measurement list

◆ AddTracesToController()

bool GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.AddTracesToController ( ControllerPort port = ControllerPort::ONE)

Use this API to add the traces to GRL_USB_PD_C2 tester.

portGRL-USB-PD-C2's Port 1 or Port 2. Default is Port 1
True - Successfully added traces to controller, False - Failure in adding traces

◆ Attach()

int GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.Attach ( ControllerPort port = ControllerPort::ONE)

Enables the GRL-USB-PD-C2 controller to be programmatic controlled when plugged in with the DUT.

portGRL-USB-PD-C2's Port 1 or Port 2. Default is Port 1
0 = Success 1 = Fail

◆ AttachController()

void GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.AttachController ( int controllerIndex,
CommunicationPORT commPort )

Use this API to Attach selective port.

controllerIndexSet controller index eg:"0"
commPortGrlUsbPdControllerLib.CommunicationPORT eg:CommunicationPORT.Port_B_Comm

◆ Bit_Manipulation_Response_Check()

bool GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.Bit_Manipulation_Response_Check ( MsgType msgType,
SpecRevision specRev,
SOP_TYPE sopType,
int iErrorType,
bool extHeader = false,
int txTimerInMilliSec = 500 )

This API used for the manipulating the BIT (conversion) to required BIT.

msgTypeSet the message type in this parameter of type "GrlPdLib.MsgType"
specRevSet the SpecRevision type in this parameter of type "SpecRevision"
sopTypeSet the SOP_TYPE type in this parameter of type "SOP_TYPE"
iErrorTypeSend the int value of error type
extHeaderSend the extended header is present or not True for extended header ; False for not extended header
txTimerInMilliSecsend the how much delay required after transmitting the previous command in ms

◆ CCLineStreamingTimerReset()

void GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.CCLineStreamingTimerReset ( int controllerIndex)

Use this API to reset streamer time.

controllerIndexSet controller index eg:"0"

◆ ClearCaptureData()

void GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.ClearCaptureData ( )

Use this API to clear captured data.

◆ ClearDutInfo()

void GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.ClearDutInfo ( ControllerPort port = ControllerPort::ONE)

This API is used for Clear the attributes of dut type.

portGRL-USB-PD-C2/GRL-USB-PD-F1's Port 1 or Port 2. Default is Port 1

◆ ClearPDMessages()

int GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.ClearPDMessages ( ControllerPort port = ControllerPort::ONE,
int iMsgCntToClear = 0 )

Clears all captured messages from the PD message capture memory on the GRL-USB-PD-C2/F1 controller. It is recommended to clear the memory before starting a new test to avoid any buffer overflow.

portGRL-USB-PD-C2's Port 1 or Port 2. Default is Port 1
0 = Success 1 = Fail

◆ ClearPlotDisplayList()

List< MeasurementChannel > GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.ClearPlotDisplayList ( )

Clears existing plots of the display channels to make way for creating a new list of channels The new list of channels needs to be created before calling the Show Plot function which otherwise will display Port A VBus and Port A VBus Current channels by default.

Updated channel list

◆ Config_CC1_Channel()

void GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.Config_CC1_Channel ( ControllerPort port = ControllerPort::ONE)

This API used for configuring the CC1 channel data.

portConfigure(ControllerPort) the enum value that represents the port for port-1, two for port-2. GRL-USB-PD-C2's Port 1 or Port 2. Default is Port 1

◆ Config_CC2_Channel()

void GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.Config_CC2_Channel ( ControllerPort port = ControllerPort::ONE)

This API used for configuring the CC2 channel data.

portConfigure(ControllerPort) the enum value that represents the port for port-1, two for port-2. GRL-USB-PD-C2's Port 1 or Port 2. Default is Port 1

◆ Config_HSADC()

bool GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.Config_HSADC ( ControllerPort port = ControllerPort::ONE)

This API used to configure the HSADC data.

True - Configured successfully ;False - failed to Configured

◆ ConfigCC1_HSADC()

void GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.ConfigCC1_HSADC ( ControllerPort controllerPort = ControllerPort::ONE)

This API used for configuring the CC1 amd HSADC channel data.

controllerPortConfigure(ControllerPort) the enum value that represents the port for port-1, two for port-2. GRL-USB-PD-C2's Port 1 or Port 2. Default is Port 1

◆ ConfigCC2_HSADC()

void GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.ConfigCC2_HSADC ( ControllerPort controllerPort = ControllerPort::ONE)

This API used for configuring the CC2 amd HSADC channel data.

controllerPortConfigure(ControllerPort) the enum value that represents the port for port-1, two for port-2. GRL-USB-PD-C2's Port 1 or Port 2. Default is Port 1

◆ ConfigPS_Ready_Delay()

bool GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.ConfigPS_Ready_Delay ( PS_RDY_Type psRdyType,
uint delayInmSec = 0,
bool setDefaultTimer = true )

This API is used to configure delay for PS_RDY message.

psRdyType0-GrlUsbPdControllerLib.PS_RDY_Type.PSR_PD_Contract, 1-GrlUsbPdControllerLib.PS_RDY_Type.PSR_PRS1, 2-GrlUsbPdControllerLib.PS_RDY_Type.PSR_PRS2, 3-GrlUsbPdControllerLib.PS_RDY_Type.PSR_VCONN, 4-GrlUsbPdControllerLib.PS_RDY_Type.FRS_PSR_OffTimer, 5-GrlUsbPdControllerLib.PS_RDY_Type.FRS_PSR_ONtimer, 6-GrlUsbPdControllerLib.PS_RDY_Type.FRSwap_Message_Delay
delayInmSecDelay in milli seconds eg: 100 millisec
setDefaultTimerTrue - Used default timer value, False - Used configured (delayInmSec) value
True - Configured successfully,False - Failed in configuration

◆ ConfigReplaceMessage()

bool GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.ConfigReplaceMessage ( bool setDefault,
MsgType actualMsg,
MsgType replaceMsg,
Type_of_Msg msgTypeAct,
Type_of_Msg msgTypeReplace )

This API used to configure replace message.

setDefaultSet the dafault value of message
actualMsgpresent message
replaceMsgreplace massage type
msgTypeActSend the type present message type which means control or data message
msgTypeReplaceSend the type replace message type which means control or data message
True - Configured successfully;False - Failed in configuration

◆ ConfigReplaceMessageCount()

bool GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.ConfigReplaceMessageCount ( int iCount)

To configure replace message count.

iCountcount value
true: configured succesfully;False- failed in configuration

◆ Configure_GlitchAfterAttach_Msg()

bool GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.Configure_GlitchAfterAttach_Msg ( int iGlitch_Duration,
ControllerPort port = ControllerPort::ONE )

This API is used to generate the Glitch in CC Line.

iGlitch_DurationConfigure Duration of Glitch in milisecond
true - Configured succesfully;false - faliure in Configuration

◆ Configure_Message_To_AMS_Interupt()

bool GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.Configure_Message_To_AMS_Interupt ( bool setdefault,
MsgType ExpectedMessage,
MsgType ConfiguredMessage,
Type_of_Msg ExpectedMessageType,
Type_of_Msg ConfiguredMessageType,
bool interruptTxMsg = false,
ControllerPort port = ControllerPort::ONE )

This API is used to interrupt the AMS for Interptible and Uninterptible message.

setdefaulttrue- set default Value, false - set configured Value
ExpectedMessageThis is actual message send by Tester or DUT
ConfiguredMessageThis is Configured Message to interrupt the AMS
ExpectedMessageTypeThis is Type of actual message, for ex:Control,Data,Extended
ConfiguredMessageTypeThis is Type of Configured message, for ex:Control,Data,Extended
sopTypeSOP type - default is SOP_TYPE.SOP
interruptTxMsgtrue-Tester sending interrupt message after Tester message false-Tester sending interrupt message after DUT message
True-Configured succesfully ;False - faliure in Configuration

◆ ConfigureADC()

void GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.ConfigureADC ( LSADC_Channel channels,
bool LSADC0En,
bool LSADC1En,
bool LSADC2En )

This API used for configuring the ADC channel data.

channelsSet the channel to configure the ADC data
LSADC0EnSend the "LSADC0En" value as true to read the channel zero'th channel, True for enable , false for disable
LSADC1EnSend the "LSADC1En" value as true to read the channel first channel.True for enable , false for disable
LSADC2EnSend the "LSADC2En" value as true to read the channel second channel. True for enable , false for disable

◆ ConfigureAutoTestMode_MaxPower()

bool GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.ConfigureAutoTestMode_MaxPower ( CableType cable,
PortDataRole datRle_Tester,
Port_Power_Role powRle_Tester,
ControllerPort por = ControllerPort::ONE )

This API is used to configure controller mode, set cable type and tester will draw max power supported by DUT.

cableCable type
datRle_Testerdata role of the tester
powRle_Testerpower role of the tester
porController port
True - Configured successfully;False - Failed in configuration

◆ ConfigureAutoTestMode_UserDefined()

bool GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.ConfigureAutoTestMode_UserDefined ( CableType cable,
PortDataRole datRle,
Port_Power_Role powRle,
PowerSupplyType supty,
int iPDOInd,
double dVoltage_mV,
double dCurrent_mA,
int iEloadHandle,
int iEloadMode,
int iEloadPercent,
ControllerPort por = ControllerPort::ONE )

This API is used to configure controller mode, set cable type, and load current details when controller is operating in auto test mode.

cableCable type
datRleData role
powRlePower role
suptySupply type
iPDOIndPDO index
iEloadHandleEload handle
iEloadModeEload mode
iEloadPercentEload percent
porController port
True - Configured successfully;False - Failed in configuration

◆ ConfigureControlMessageResponse()

int GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.ConfigureControlMessageResponse ( MsgType receivedMessageType,
ResponderMessageType responseMessageType,
ControllerPort port = ControllerPort::ONE )

Configures response messages for the GRL-USB-PD-C2/F1 controller.

receivedMessageTypeMessage type received by the controller for which response configuration is required Supported message types for this function
  1. VconnSwap.
  2. DRSwap.
  3. PRSwap.
  4. FRSwap.
responseMessageTypeConfigure message type to be responed for a message(msg) received by controller. Accept or Reject is set for the message type
portDecides the port one/two.
0 = Success 1 = Fail

◆ ConfigureEload()

int GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.ConfigureEload ( double maxCurrentInAmps,
EloadChannel eloadChannel,
SwitchState state,
VCONNLoading vCONNLoading = VCONNLoading::Disable_VCONN,
ControllerPort pORT = ControllerPort::ONE )

API to use configure the Eload.

maxCurrentInAmpsconfigure maximum current Amps
eloadChannelconfigure Eload channel
stateSwitch state ON/OFF ON-To turn ON the Eload OFF- To turn OFF the Eload
vCONNLoadingconfigure Vconn in which channel it need's to be
pORTconfigure the Port 1 or 2
-1 Failure in the configuration : 0 is pass

◆ ConfigureEloadinGroup()

int GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.ConfigureEloadinGroup ( double maxCurrentInAmps,
EloadChannel eloadChannel,
SwitchState state,
VCONNLoading vCONNLoading = VCONNLoading::Disable_VCONN,
ControllerPort pORT = ControllerPort::ONE,

API to use configure the Eload in group.

maxCurrentInAmpsconfigure maximum current Amps
eloadChannelconfigure Eload channel
stateSwitch state ON/OFF ON-To turn ON the Eload OFF- To turn OFF the Eload
vCONNLoadingconfigure Vconn in which channel it need's to be
pORTconfigure the Port 1 or 2
sopTypeConfigure SOP type
-1 Failure in the configuration ;0-is pass

◆ ConfigurePacketDelay()

void GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.ConfigurePacketDelay ( MsgType delayMsgType,
Type_of_Msg MessageType,
double dDelay_mS,
bool bEnableDelay )

This API used for Set the packet delay in milli seonds.

delayMsgTypeMessage Type at which the delay will be inserted
MessageTypeMessage category, Control or Data message
dDelay_mSDelay in milli seconds
bEnableDelayEnable or disable the delay, True or False

◆ ConfigureReplacePDMessageInGroup()

bool GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.ConfigureReplacePDMessageInGroup ( bool setDefault,
MsgType actualPdMsgType,
MsgType replaceWithPdMsgType,
Type_of_Msg msgTypeOfActualPdMsgType,
Type_of_Msg msgTypeOfReplacePdMsgType,
int txTimerInMilliSec )

Use this API to replace one PD message with another PD message. Once configured messages please use this API to execute configured messages."GroupMessageConfigure".

setDefaultTrue- Set default message, False - Replace configured message
txTimerInMilliSecDelay before initiate configured mesage Ex:10 (Configured message initiate after 10ms)
True - Configured successfully;False - Failed to configure

◆ ConfigureSoftResetResponse()

bool GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.ConfigureSoftResetResponse ( int respMsgVal,
int txTimerInMilliSec )

Use this API to send SoftReset Response.

respMsgVal0x00 - No response from Tester, 0x01 - Tester responds with Reject message, 0x02 - Tester responds with Not_Supported message
txTimerInMilliSecSet the message delay in this parameter in milli seconds
true- configured succesfully;False - Failed in configuration

◆ ConfigureSoftResetResponseForVDMMsg()

bool GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.ConfigureSoftResetResponseForVDMMsg ( int respMsgVal,
int txTimerInMilliSec )

Use this API to send SoftReset Response for Vendor Defined Message.

respMsgVal1-Send Soft Reset for Discover Identity 0- Do not send 2-Send Soft Reset for Discover SVID 0- Do not send 3-Send Soft Reset for Discover Mode 0- Do not send 4-Send Soft Reset for Enter Mode 0- Do not send 5-Send Soft Reset for Exit Mode 0- Do not send
sOP_TYPEConfigure type of SOP
txTimerInMilliSecSet the message delay in this parameter in milli seconds
True - Configured succesfully;False - faliure in Configuration.

◆ CreatePlotDisplayList()

List< MeasurementChannel > GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.CreatePlotDisplayList ( MeasurementChannel channel = MeasurementChannel::END)

Creates default plots for the display channels. Using the add or clear list functions will enable adding display channels to the plot. You will need to create the display channel list before calling the Show Plot function.

channelChannel to be added for plot
Updated channel list

◆ CreateReportFolder()

bool GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.CreateReportFolder ( )

Use this API to Create report folder.

true- Created succesfully

◆ DebugLogger()

void GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.DebugLogger ( string discription,
Exception ex )

Saves all the Exception in text file in Location C:\GRL\Appdata.

discriptionDetails of method


◆ Detach()

int GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.Detach ( ControllerPort port = ControllerPort::ONE)

Enables the GRL-USB-PD-C2/F1 controller to be programmatically controlled when removing the attached DUT.
This function removes all the Rp/Rd values from the CC line and changes the state of the controller to Source Detach or Sink Detach. It is recommended to call this Detach function before configuring the controller mode, setting the source sink and source capabilities and calling the Attach function.

portGRL-USB-PD-C2's Port 1 or Port 2. Default is Port 1
0 = Success 1 = Success

◆ DetachController()

void GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.DetachController ( int controllerIndex,
CommunicationPORT commPort )

Use this API to Detach selective port.

controllerIndexSet controller index eg:"0"
commPortGrlUsbPdControllerLib.CommunicationPORT eg:CommunicationPORT.Port_B_Comm

◆ DisposeGRLControllerLink()

bool GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.DisposeGRLControllerLink ( int controllerIndex)

Use this API to Disable the GRLController ethernet connection.

True = Success

◆ EmulateQCSource()

void GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.EmulateQCSource ( bool enableQcSource)

API to emulate Tester as QC source.

enableQcSourceTrue Tester as QC Source false -Tester as QC source falls

◆ EnableLSADCDebugLog()

void GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.EnableLSADCDebugLog ( bool enable)

This API used for the enabling the LSADC Debug log write.

enableSet the read enable . True -enable ,False-disable

◆ EnableQcLegacyMode()

bool GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.EnableQcLegacyMode ( bool enable)

Sets the Controller to QC Legacy Mode.

enableTrue - Enable ,False - Disable
True = Success. False = Fail.

◆ EnableReadDebugLogger()

void GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.EnableReadDebugLogger ( bool enable)

This API used for the enabling the LSADC Debug log Read.

enableSet the read enable . True -enable ,False-disable

◆ FloatBothDpDn()

bool GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.FloatBothDpDn ( )

Sets trhe Controller to QC Legacy Mode.

True = Success. False = Fail.

◆ FloatDpDn()

bool GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.FloatDpDn ( bool enable)

Float DPlus and Dminus.

enableFalse - Float Dplus, True - Float Dminus
True = Success. False = Fail.

◆ GetAssertionMessages()

dynamic GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.GetAssertionMessages ( ControllerPort port = ControllerPort::ONE)

This API is used to get All Assertions messages.

Collection of GrlPdLib.PDMessage

◆ GetAssertionMsg()

dynamic GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.GetAssertionMsg ( ControllerPort port = ControllerPort::ONE,
MsgTypeSec msgTypeSec = MsgTypeSec::NONE,
int iOccur = 1 )

This API is used to get one Assertion message.

iOccurAssertion message occurnace
Object of GrlPdLib.PDMessage

◆ GetAssertionPDMsg()

dynamic GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.GetAssertionPDMsg ( ControllerPort port = ControllerPort::ONE,
MsgTypeSec msgTypeSec = MsgTypeSec::NONE,
int iOccur = 1 )

This API is used to get one Assertion message.

iOccurAssertion message occurnace
Object of GrlPdLib.PDMessage

◆ GetCableCapability()

VendorDefinedMessage GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.GetCableCapability ( ControllerPort port = ControllerPort::ONE)

Returns the capabilities of e marker cable connected to GRL-USB-PD-C2 controller.

portC2 Controller's port, Default parameter is PORT1
VendorDefinedMessage of the device

◆ GetCaptureStatus()

int GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.GetCaptureStatus ( )

This API is used to determine whether the streamer has started or not.

0 - Data Capture is Started. 1 - Data Capture is Stopped.

◆ GetCCLineActive()

int GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.GetCCLineActive ( )

Used this API to get active communication line(CC)

If 0 - No CC line else return CC line found

◆ GetCommandExecutionStatus()

int GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.GetCommandExecutionStatus ( )

Returns the execution status of last API.

0: Last API execution completed 1: Last API execution in progress -1: Connection error

◆ GetConnectionStatus()

int GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.GetConnectionStatus ( )

This API is used to get the Connection Status of the PD controller. If the PD controller is connected this function returns connected.

0 if Connected 1 if Connection Error.

◆ GetControllerMode()

ControllerMode GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.GetControllerMode ( ControllerPort port = ControllerPort::ONE)

This API is used to get the GRL-USB-PD-C2/F1 controller mode during PD contract negotiations.

Controller mode as Source, Sink or DRP

◆ GetDplusCurrent()

double GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.GetDplusCurrent ( )

This API used to get the current value based on the port.

Return the current value in milliamperes (mA).

◆ GetDutExtendedSourceCapability()

SourceCapability GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.GetDutExtendedSourceCapability ( ControllerPort port = ControllerPort::ONE)

This API is used to get Extended Source Capabilities from the connected Source DUT. If the connected DUT is not a Source device, it will return null.

portC2 Controller's port, Default parameter is PORT1
SourceCapability of the device

◆ GetDutSinkCapability()

SinkCapability GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.GetDutSinkCapability ( ControllerPort port = ControllerPort::ONE)

This API is used to get Sink Capabilities from the Sink DUT. If the connected DUT is not Sink device, it will return null.

portC2 Controller's port, default parameter is PORT1
Sink Capabilities of the device

◆ GetDutSourceCapability()

SourceCapability GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.GetDutSourceCapability ( ControllerPort port = ControllerPort::ONE)

This API is used to get Source Capabilities from the connected Source DUT. If the connected DUT is not a Source device, it will return null.

portC2 Controller's port, Default parameter is PORT1
SourceCapability of the device

◆ GetEloadVersion()

string GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.GetEloadVersion ( )

Get C2 Eload version.

C2 Elaod Version

◆ GetFirmwareVersion()

string GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.GetFirmwareVersion ( )

This API is used to get C2 Firmware version.

C2 FW version

◆ GetHSADCValue()

double GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.GetHSADCValue ( )

API to get the HSADC data.

Return the HSADC in double value

◆ GetListOfPDOFromPDMessage()

int GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.GetListOfPDOFromPDMessage ( List< PDMessage > msgCollec)

Use this API to get list of PDO's sent by DUT.

msgCollecCollection of GrlPDLib.PDMessage
If 0 = No PDO, else return PDO counts

◆ GetMeasurementValue()

double GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.GetMeasurementValue ( MeasurementChannel channel,
double dTimeInSeconds )

This API is used to Get the measurement value.

dTimeInSecondsTime of PDMessage.
Value of channel at that specified time.

◆ GetMessages()

List< PDMessage > GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.GetMessages ( ControllerPort port = ControllerPort::ONE,
bool includeAllBusEvents = true )

Provides all the PD messages received or sent by the GRL-USB-PD-C2/F1 controller. To enable the PD message capture capability of the controller, the data streamer needs to be configured first. Refer to the StartDataStreamer function for more details on how to set up the streamer.

portGRL-USB-PD-C2's Port 1 or Port 2. Default is Port 1
includeAllBusEventsTrue- Get PDmessages from totalPDMessage, false- Get from CCline message list
returns list of PDMessages

◆ GetPDMessage()

dynamic GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.GetPDMessage ( ControllerPort port = ControllerPort::ONE,
MsgType msgType = MsgType::NONE,
int iOccur = 1 )

Use this API to get PD message from the controller.

portGRL-USB-PD-C2's Port 1 or Port 2. Default is Port 1
msgTypePD msg from the controller
iOccurTo check the occurence of PD msg
Return PD Message

◆ GetPDMessageFromIndex()

PDMessage GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.GetPDMessageFromIndex ( int iMsgInd,
ControllerPort port = ControllerPort::ONE )

Use this API to get PD msg from index.

iMsgIndCheck the message index
portGRL-USB-PD-C2's Port 1 or Port 2. Default is Port 1
returns list PDMessage from Index

◆ GetPDMessages()

List< PDMessage > GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.GetPDMessages ( ControllerPort port = ControllerPort::ONE)

Use this API to get CC line msg from the controller.

portGRL-USB-PD-C2's Port 1 or Port 2. Default is Port 1
Return PD message

◆ GetPDMsg()

dynamic GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.GetPDMsg ( ControllerPort port = ControllerPort::ONE,
MsgType msgType = MsgType::NONE,
int iOccur = 1 )

This API is used to get one PD Message.

iOccurPDMessage occurance
Object of GrlPdLib.PDMessage

◆ GetPdStatus()

int GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.GetPdStatus ( ControllerPort port = ControllerPort::ONE)

This API is used to get the PD contract negotiation status.

1 = Attached 0 = Detached -1 = Error

◆ GetPlotDisplayList()

List< MeasurementChannel > GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.GetPlotDisplayList ( )

This API is used to display the plot .

Return Updated channel list

◆ GetPresentMeasurementValue() [1/3]

dynamic GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.GetPresentMeasurementValue ( )

This API is used to get the voltage and current measurement value.

Values of voltage and current channel

◆ GetPresentMeasurementValue() [2/3]

List< LSADC_DataRead > GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.GetPresentMeasurementValue ( List< MeasurementChannel > channel)

This API is used to get the voltage and current measurement value.

List of GRLSharedModule.LSADC_DataRead value

◆ GetPresentMeasurementValue() [3/3]

double GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.GetPresentMeasurementValue ( MeasurementChannel channel)

This API is used to get the current measurement value.

Value of channel for current time. if Value is -1 then Error in measurement reading

◆ GetReportFolderPath()

string GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.GetReportFolderPath ( )

Use this API to get the report folder path.


◆ GetSerialNumber()

string GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.GetSerialNumber ( )

API to get the serial number of the C2 or C2-EPR tester.


◆ GetSourceCapabilityFromPDMessageObject()

SourceCapability GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.GetSourceCapabilityFromPDMessageObject ( PDMessage pdMsg,
ControllerPort port = ControllerPort::ONE )

Convert PD Message to SourceCapability message.

Objcet of GrlPdLib.SourceCapability

◆ GetSourceCapPDO()

string GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.GetSourceCapPDO ( ControllerPort port = ControllerPort::ONE)

API to Get sourcecap PDO details.

portPort number as per the selection
Returns source cap message details

◆ GetTimeAtVoltageValue()

double GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.GetTimeAtVoltageValue ( int channel,
double startTime = 0::0,
int timeIntervalInSec = 0,
double thresholdVal = 0::0,
bool isRisingEdge = false )

Use this API to get time at voltage value.

channelSet the channel number to get the time value for respective channel like "(int)LSADC_Channel.PORTA_VBUS_CURRENT"
startTimeSet the start time of channel in between the stop and start time
timeIntervalInSecSet the time duration of the channel
thresholdValSet the threshold value which means actual voltage+manufacturer error voltage value
isRisingEdgeSet the true for rising edge ,false for not rising edge(falling edge)
Clock time for voltage value

◆ GetTimeDifferenceAtSignalChange()

double GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.GetTimeDifferenceAtSignalChange ( int channel,
double stTime = 0::0,
int timeIntervalInSec = 0,
double thresholdVal = 0::0,
bool isRisingEdge = false,
ControllerPort port = ControllerPort::ONE,
MsgTypeSec msgTypeSec = MsgTypeSec::FR_Swap_Signal_Asserted )

API to get time Difference at signal change.

channelConfigure channel number
stTimeconfigure start time
timeIntervalInSecconfigure time interval in seconds
thresholdValthreshold value
isRisingEdgeconfigure rising edge or falling edge
portCintroller port 1 or 2
msgTypeSecsecondary PDMessage type
returns the difference time at signal change

◆ GetTimeForVoltageValue()

double GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.GetTimeForVoltageValue ( int channel,
double startTime = 0::0,
double timeIntervalInSec = 0,
double thresholdVal = 0::0,
bool isRisingEdge = false )

API to Get time for voltage value.

channelchannel number
startTimestart time
timeIntervalInSectime interval in seconds
thresholdValThreshold value
isRisingEdgerising edge or falling edge
returns the time at voltage

◆ GetTotalPDMessageCount()

int GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.GetTotalPDMessageCount ( ControllerPort port = ControllerPort::ONE)

Use this API to get Total PDmsg count.

portGRL-USB-PD-C2's Port 1 or Port 2. Default is Port 1
Return Total PDmessage count

◆ GroupCommand_Add()

int GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.GroupCommand_Add ( GroupCommandAPIEnum cmdType,
object cmdInfo,
int iTimeDelayInMilliSec,
ControllerPort port = ControllerPort::ONE )

This API is used to configure GRLSharedModule.GroupCommandAPIEnum.

cmdTypeConfigure GRLSharedModule.GroupCommandAPIEnum type ex:GroupCommandAPIEnum.Attach
cmdInfoMessage type
iTimeDelayInMilliSecdelay in milliseconds
portController port ControllerPort.ONE or ControllerPort.TWO
0 = Success. 1 = Fail.

◆ GroupCommand_Clear()

int GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.GroupCommand_Clear ( )

This API used to clear group command configuration.

0 = Success;1 = Fail.

◆ GroupCommand_Run()

int GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.GroupCommand_Run ( )

This API is used to configure the GroupCommand message correctly.

0 = Success;1 = Fail.

◆ GroupMessageAdd()

bool GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.GroupMessageAdd ( MsgType pdMsgType,
SpecRevision specRev,
SOP_TYPE sopType,
bool extHeader = false,
int txTimerInMilliSec = 500,
List< byte > extHeaderPayload = null )

Use this API to add the messages into buffer.

pdMsgTypeSet the message type in this parameter of type "GrlPdLib.MsgType"
specRevSet the message revision in this parameter of type "GrlPdLib.SpecRevision"
sopTypeSet the message SOP type in this parameter of type "GrlPdLib.SOP_TYPE"
txTimerInMilliSecSet the message delay in this parameter in milli seconds
True - Message configuration added successfully, False - Failed to add configuration

◆ GroupMessageClear()

bool GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.GroupMessageClear ( )

Use this API to clear the messages in the buffer.

True - Cleared buffer; False - Failed to clear

◆ GroupMessageConfigure()

bool GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.GroupMessageConfigure ( FwMsgCfgType cfgType)

Use this API to configure the message execution type whether to initiate the messages at the runtime or pre-configure the messages with time delay.

cfgTypeThis parameter defines how the configured group of message gets executed IF set to "GrlUsbPdControllerLib.FwMsgCfgType.Runtime", then configured messages will get executed at the runtime, use this parameter to send messages after Attach() command IF set to "GrlUsbPdControllerLib.FwMsgCfgType.AfterPDC", then configured messages will get executed after the PD contract negotiation, use this parameter to pre-configure the group messages before Attach() command
Success: True - configured; False - failed to configure.

◆ InitialConfig()

void GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.InitialConfig ( )

Use this API to configure Tester mode as Sink, Cable type as GRL_SPL_Cable in both ports (GrlPdLib.ControllerPort.ONE and GrlPdLib.ControllerPort.TWO)


◆ Initialize()

int GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.Initialize ( String ipAddress,
int controllerIndex = 0,
bool isClearCommn = true )

Method to Initialize IP address and controllerIndex.

ipAddressConfigure the Tester IP address
controllerIndexConfigure the Tester controller index
isClearCommnReset the communication
0 = Success 1 = fail to set

◆ Interruption_by_PD_Message()

bool GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.Interruption_by_PD_Message ( )

Use this API to send Interruption by PD Message.

true - Configured succesfully false - faliure in Configuration

◆ PowerCycleTheTester()

bool GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.PowerCycleTheTester ( )

Used this API to Power cycle the GRL_USB_PD_C2 tester.

Success: True - configured; False - failed to configure.

◆ QuickAttachPort()

void GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.QuickAttachPort ( CommunicationPORT commPort,
byte[] buffData )

Use this API to Attach selective port in two controller.

commPortGrlUsbPdControllerLib.CommunicationPORT eg:CommunicationPORT.Port_A_Comm
buffDataSet detach command bytes eg:0x18,0x01

◆ QuickDetachPort()

void GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.QuickDetachPort ( CommunicationPORT commPort,
byte[] buffData )

Use this API to Detach selective port in two controller.

commPortGrlUsbPdControllerLib.CommunicationPORT eg:CommunicationPORT.Port_A_Comm
buffDataSet detach command bytes eg:0x18,0x00

◆ RebootController()

int GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.RebootController ( )

This API will reboot the GRL-USB-PD-C2 controller. Expected reboot time is 20-30 seconds. After calling this API, please re-initialize the ethernet connection by calling Initialize() API before calling any further API's.

0 = Success. 1 = Fail.

◆ Request_PortA_PortB()

void GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.Request_PortA_PortB ( RequestMessage message)

Use this API to send Request message for both ports (GrlPdLib.ControllerPort.ONE and GrlPdLib.ControllerPort.TWO)


◆ Reset_PDPort()

bool GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.Reset_PDPort ( ControllerPort port = ControllerPort::ONE)

Resets Port1 and Port2 of USB-PD-C2 controller.

True = Success;false = Fail.

◆ Reset_TestResultObject()

bool GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.Reset_TestResultObject ( )

This API is used to Clear the test result.

Success: True - Clear; False - failed to clear.

◆ ResetController()

bool GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.ResetController ( )

Use this API to reset the Controller.

true - Configured succesfully false - faliure in Configuration

◆ SaveHTMLForPDPackets()

void GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.SaveHTMLForPDPackets ( string fileNameHTML,
string testName,
string testId,
bool isVoltageUpdate = false )

Used this API to Save PD protocol capture into .html file.

fileNameHTMLPD protocol capture file Report path
testNamePD protocol capture file name
testIdPD protocol capture file test ID

◆ SaveHTMLForPDPacketsForFourPort()

void GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.SaveHTMLForPDPacketsForFourPort ( List< PDMessage > pdMsgCollec,
string fileNameHTML,
string testName,
string testId,
bool isVoltageUpdate = false )

Used this API to Save four port PD protocol capture into .html file.

pdMsgCollecMessage collection of GrlPdLib.PDMessage
fileNameHTMLPD protocol capture file Report path
testNamePD protocol capture file name
testIdPD protocol capture file test ID

◆ SaveHTMLForTestSummary()

void GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.SaveHTMLForTestSummary ( string fileNameHTML,
string testName,
string testId )

Used this API to Save TestSummary into .html file.

fileNameHTMLTestSummary file Report path
testNameTestSummary file name
testIdTestSummary file test ID

◆ SaveTestPDPacketInCSV()

bool GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.SaveTestPDPacketInCSV ( List< PDMessage > msgColle,
string filename,
bool isVoltageUpdate = false )

Use this API to save all PD messages into CSV file.

msgColleCollection of GrlPDLib.PDMessage
True - File successfully saved False - Failure in file save

◆ SaveTestResultAndPDPacketInCSV()

bool GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.SaveTestResultAndPDPacketInCSV ( string fileName,
ControllerPort port = ControllerPort::ONE )

Use this API to save all PD messages into CSV file.

fileNamefileName as per the test name
True - File successfully saved False - Failure in file save

◆ SaveTestResultInCSV()

bool GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.SaveTestResultInCSV ( PDTestResult baseTestResult)

Use this API to save validated PD Test Result into CSV file.

True - File successfully saved False - Failure in file save

◆ SaveTraceFile()

bool GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.SaveTraceFile ( string fileName)

Saves signal and protocol data into specified file.

fileNameTrace file name
True = Success. false = Fail.

◆ SelectCableType()

bool GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.SelectCableType ( CableType cableType,
ControllerPort port = ControllerPort::ONE )

This API is used to configure the type of cable.

True - Configured successfully, False- Failure in configuration

◆ SendAssertionMessage()

bool GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.SendAssertionMessage ( ControllerPort port = ControllerPort::ONE)

Use this API to send assertion message.

portGRL-USB-PD-C2's Port 1 or Port 2. Default is Port 1
true - Configured succesfully false - faliure in Configuration

◆ SendBISTCarrierMode()

bool GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.SendBISTCarrierMode ( SOP_TYPE sopType)

This API used to send the BIST carrier mode.

True-success ;False - faile

◆ SendBISTTestData()

bool GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.SendBISTTestData ( SOP_TYPE sopType)

This API is used to send BISTCarrierMode message.

True-success ;False - faile

◆ SendControlMessage()

int GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.SendControlMessage ( MsgType msg,
ControllerPort port = ControllerPort::ONE )

Sends the control messages from the GRL-USB-PD-C2/F1 controller. Some of the messages you can send are.

This API used to send control PD messages

portGRL-USB-PD-C2/F1's Port 1 or Port 2. Default is Port 1
0 = Success 1 = Fail

◆ SendDataMessage()

void GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.SendDataMessage ( MsgType msgType,
bool isDefaultPayload = true,
SpecRevision revision = SpecRevision::PD_3_0,
int noOfDataObjet = 1,
ControllerPort port = ControllerPort::ONE )

This API is used to Send Data messages. Alert, Get_Country_Info.

isDefaultPayloadTrue - Default Payload, False - Configure payload using SetMessagePayload()
sopTypeGrlPdLib.SOP_TYPE SOP - Default SOP_TYPE
revisionGrlPdLib.SpecRevision PD3.0 - Default Revision
noOfDataObjet1 - Default PDO
portGrlPdLib.ControllerPort ONE - Default port

◆ SendEPRModemsg()

int GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.SendEPRModemsg ( EPR_Mode_Message msg,
ControllerPort port = ControllerPort::ONE )

This function is to send EPR Mode message.

msgConfigure EPRModemessage
portONE or TWO, parameter to select the controller port for this API configuration
0 - Connection success 1 - Connection error

◆ SendEPRRequestMessage()

int GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.SendEPRRequestMessage ( RequestMessage msg,
ControllerPort port = ControllerPort::ONE )

This function used to send EPRRequest message.

msgConfigure request message
portONE or TWO, parameter to select the controller port for this API configuration
0 - Connection success 1 - Connection error

◆ SendExtendedMessage()

void GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.SendExtendedMessage ( MsgType msgType,
bool isDefaultPayload = true,
SpecRevision revision = SpecRevision::PD_3_0,
int noOfDataObjet = 1,
ControllerPort port = ControllerPort::ONE )

This API used to send Extended Message with Payload. Get_Manufacturer_Info, Get_Battery_Status, Get_Battery_Cap, Firmware_Update_Request, Security_Request.

isDefaultPayloadTrue - Default Payload, False - Configure payload using SetMessagePayload()
sopTypeGrlPdLib.SOP_TYPE SOP - Default SOP_TYPE
revisionGrlPdLib.SpecRevision PD3.0 - Default Revision
noOfDataObjet1 - Default PDO
portGrlPdLib.ControllerPort ONE - Default port

◆ SendFRSwapSignal()

void GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.SendFRSwapSignal ( )

Send FR_Swap signal from Tester.

◆ SendHardReset()

bool GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.SendHardReset ( bool isFlip = false,
ControllerPort port = ControllerPort::ONE )

Use this API to send HardReset.

isFliptrue -Hardreset with bit flip false- HardReset no bit flip
portGRL-USB-PD-C2's Port 1 or Port 2. Default is Port 1
True- configured succesfully;False - Failed in configuration

◆ SendPdoRequestMessage()

int GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.SendPdoRequestMessage ( RequestMessage msg,
ControllerPort port = ControllerPort::ONE )

This API used to sends the PDO request messages during the PD contract negotiations.

msgConfigure the request PDO. Eg: AVS , FIXED,VARIABLE PDO'S
portConfigure(ControllerPort) the enum value that represents the port for port-1, two for port-2. GRL-USB-PD-C2's Port 1 or Port 2. Default is Port 1
0 = Success 1 = Fail

◆ SendRequestmessage_By_Index()

int GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.SendRequestmessage_By_Index ( int iSourcePDOIndex,
ControllerPort port = ControllerPort::ONE )

This API is used to send request message by configuring source PDO index.

iSourcePDOIndexsourcecap PDO index
portTester Port 1 or Port2
0 = Success else Fail

◆ SendSinkCapMessage()

int GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.SendSinkCapMessage ( SinkCapability msg,
ControllerPort port = ControllerPort::ONE )

This API is used to send SinkCap message.

msgConfigure SinkCapability message
portController Port
0-Tester connected succesfully, 1-Error in API or Connection setup

◆ SendSoftReset()

bool GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.SendSoftReset ( ControllerPort port = ControllerPort::ONE)

Send SoftReset message with different SOP_TYPE.

portControllerPort 1 - ONE, 2 - TWO
TRUE - Succeed;FALSE - Failed

◆ SendSourceCapsMessage()

int GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.SendSourceCapsMessage ( SourceCapability msg,
ControllerPort port = ControllerPort::ONE )

This API is used to initiate sourcecap message.

msgcreate object for GrlPdLib.SourceCapability and configure source cap message with PDO types
portConfigure(ControllerPort) the enum value that represents the port for port-1, two for port-2. GRL-USB-PD-C2's Port 1 or Port 2. Default is Port 1
0 = Success. 1 = Fail.

◆ SendVendorDefinedMessage()

int GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.SendVendorDefinedMessage ( VendorDefinedMessage initiateMessage,
ControllerPort port = ControllerPort::ONE )

This API is used to send Vendor Defined message.

sopTypeSelect SOP type SOP | SOP1 | SOP2 | SOP_DEBUG1 | SOP_DEBUG2
portGRL-USB-PD-C2/F1's Port 1 or Port 2. Default is Port 1
0 = Success 1 = Fail

◆ Set_Dminus_Voltage()

bool GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.Set_Dminus_Voltage ( double voltage)

This API is used to configure the minimum voltage in Programmable Power Supply (PPS).

voltageConfigured the voltage in Volts (V)
If Configured successfully, return true; otherwise, return false.Based on the retry count>1 got the error

◆ Set_Dplus_Voltage()

bool GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.Set_Dplus_Voltage ( double voltage)

This API is used to configure the minimum and maximum voltage in Programmable Power Supply (PPS).

voltageConfigured the voltage in Volts (V)
If Configured successfully, return true; otherwise, return false.Based on the retry count>1 got the error

◆ Set_EPR_Mode_Exit_Configuration()

bool GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.Set_EPR_Mode_Exit_Configuration ( )

This API is used to enable or disable EPR mode exit.

True = EPR mode exit is configured. false = EPR mode exit is not configured.

◆ Set_EPR_PPS_Eload_Configuration()

bool GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.Set_EPR_PPS_Eload_Configuration ( byte ppsEloadCfg)

This API is to enable or disable EPR PPS Eload configuration.

ppsEloadCfgPPS Eload configuration in bytes
True = EPR PPS Eload is configured False = EPR PPS Eload is not configured

◆ Set_EPR_Request_Configuration()

int GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.Set_EPR_Request_Configuration ( RequestMessage requestMessageObj,
byte PDONumber,
ControllerPort port = ControllerPort::ONE )

This API is used to Send EPR Request message.

requestMessageObjConfigure RequestMessage.cs to send the request message from the GRL-USB-PD-C2/F1 controller
portONE or TWO, parameter to select the controller port for this API configuration
0- Configured successfully 1- Failure in configuration

◆ Set_EPR_SinkCap_Configuration()

int GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.Set_EPR_SinkCap_Configuration ( SinkCapability sinkCapabilityObj,
ControllerPort port = ControllerPort::ONE )

This API is used to Send EPR Sinkcap.

sinkCapabilityObjsinkCapabilityObj set as a parameter for the SinkCapability.cs
portONE or TWO, parameter to select the controller port for this API configuration
0- Configured successfully 1- Failure in configuration

◆ Set_EPR_SourceCap_Configuration()

int GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.Set_EPR_SourceCap_Configuration ( SourceCapability sourceCapabilityObj,
ControllerPort port = ControllerPort::ONE )

This API is used to Send EPR Sourcecap.

sourceCapabilityObjConfigure PDSource Capability function object
portONE or TWO, parameter to select the controller port for this API configuration
0- Configured successfully 1- Failure in configuration

◆ Set_EPR_Unchunked_Request_Configuration()

bool GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.Set_EPR_Unchunked_Request_Configuration ( bool isUnchunked = true)

This API is used to enable or disable EPR Unchunked request message.

isUnchunkedtrue- EPR Unchunk req configured, False - Epr unchunk req is not configured
True = Successful Configuration False = Failure in Configuration

◆ Set_SOP_Prime_DiscovID_Configuration()

bool GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.Set_SOP_Prime_DiscovID_Configuration ( bool isSendSOPPrimeDiscId)

This API is to enable or disable Prime DiscoverID configuration.

isSendSOPPrimeDiscIdtrue - SOP Prime DiscoverID is configured, False -SOP Prime DiscoverID is not configured
True = SOP Prime DiscovID is configured False = SOP Prime DiscovID is not configured

◆ SetAutoTestMode()

bool GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.SetAutoTestMode ( bool bIsEnable,
ControllerPort por = ControllerPort::ONE )

This API is used to set auto test mode in GRl C2 controller.

bIsEnableTo enable/disable auto test mode
porController port
True - Configured successfully,False - Failed in configuration

◆ SetBatteryStatusMessage()

int GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.SetBatteryStatusMessage ( BatteryStatusMesaage batteryStatusMesaage,
BatteryStatus batteryStatus,
bool InvalidBatteryReference = false,
bool BatteryisPresent = false,
double BatteryPresentCapacity = 0,
ControllerPort port = ControllerPort::ONE )

Sets the Battery Status Messages to be sent as Runtime messages.

batteryStatusStatus of the Battery Charging/Discharging/Idle
InvalidBatteryReferenceIf Message contains reference to a battery.
BatteryisPresentTo be set to "True" if Battery is present.
BatteryPresentCapacityBattery's State of Charging. if UNKNOW pass 65535.
0 - If Success 1 - If Fail

◆ SetBISTSharedTestEntryMode()

bool GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.SetBISTSharedTestEntryMode ( BIST_TYPE bistType = BIST_TYPE::Reserved,

This API is used to send BIST Shared Test Entry Mode message.

If false BIST not send,Otherwise BIST send

◆ SetBISTSharedTestExitMode()

bool GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.SetBISTSharedTestExitMode ( BIST_TYPE bistType = BIST_TYPE::Reserved,

This API is used to send BIST Shared Test Exit Mode.

If false BIST not send,Otherwise BIST send

◆ SetC2Sniffer()

void GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.SetC2Sniffer ( C2SnifferNew c2SniffObj)

This API is used to configure the C2 browser app in SNIFFER mode.


◆ SetCableType()

bool GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.SetCableType ( int cableType = 0,
ControllerPort port = ControllerPort::ONE )

This API is used to set the cable type.

cableType0-GRL_SPL_Cable, 1-TypeC_Cable
true - Configured succesfully ;false - faliure in Configuration

◆ SetCommPort()

void GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.SetCommPort ( ControllerPort port)

This API is used to set the Communication port.

portCommunication Port (One/TWO).

◆ SetControllerConfiguration()

bool GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.SetControllerConfiguration ( ControllerConfigEnum controllerConfigEnum,
ControllerPort port = ControllerPort::ONE )

This API is used for configuring the C2 controller mode.

controllerConfigEnumconfigure the controller type sink, source,cable and etc..
If Configured successfully, return true; otherwise, return false

◆ SetControllerCurrentLimit_Type_C_Only_Mode()

int GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.SetControllerCurrentLimit_Type_C_Only_Mode ( double cur_mA,
ControllerPort port = ControllerPort::ONE )

This API should be invoked after setting the controller mode to ControllerMode.Type_C_Only_SRC To set currnt limit.

cur_mACurrent to be set in mA
portGRL-USB-PD-C2's Port 1 or Port 2. Default is Port 1
0 = Success 1 = Fail

◆ SetControllerIndex()

void GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.SetControllerIndex ( int controllerIndex)

This API isused to set controller index.

controllerIndexSet controller index eg:"0"

◆ SetControllerMode()

int GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.SetControllerMode ( ControllerMode mode,
ControllerPort port = ControllerPort::ONE )

This API is used to set the GRL-USB-PD-C2 controller mode as Source, Sink or DRP along with all related functionalities such as SourceCapability, SinkCapability etc. to allow the controller to send the required capabilities when requested by another PD device.

modeGrlPdLib.ControllerMode Source = 0 Sink = 1 DRP = 2 Type_C_Only_SRC = 3 Type_C_Only_SNK = 4 UNKNOWN = 5
portGRL-USB-PD-C2's Port 1 or Port 2. Default is Port 1
0 = Success 1 = Fail

◆ SetDataStreamService()

void GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.SetDataStreamService ( DataStreamService dataStream)

This API is used to configure the parameters of the Data Stream service .


◆ SetDRswapConfiguration()

bool GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.SetDRswapConfiguration ( DR_SWAP_ENUM dR_SWAP)

This API is used to send the response message to DR_SWAP message Send = 1, Accept = 2, Send_Accept = 3, NONE.

dR_SWAPconfigure GrlUsbPdControllerLib.DR_SWAP_ENUM
Returns True if Success else False.

◆ SetEloadCurrent()

int GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.SetEloadCurrent ( double voltageInVolts,
double maxCurrentInAmps,
SwitchState state,
EloadChannel channel,
ControllerPort port = ControllerPort::ONE )

Sets the E-load Current to be drawn in the constant current mode. Ensure that the GRL-USB-PD-C2/F1 controller mode is set as a Sink before calling this method and also turn ON the E-load switch using the SetEloadState function.

voltageInVoltsVoltage sense range
maxCurrentInAmpsMaximum Current to be drawn by Tester
stateTester load switch state
channelChannel selection in Tester's Type-C port
portGRL-USB-PD-C2's Port 1 or Port 2. Default is Port 1
0 = Success 1 = Fail

◆ SetEloadCurrentRange()

int GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.SetEloadCurrentRange ( double LoadStart_Amps,
double LoadStop_Amps,
int LoadStep_MilliAmps,
int StepIntervalMilliSec,
EloadMode LoadMode,
double LoadStopCondition_VoltageDropMin_Volts,
EloadChannel channel,
ControllerPort port = ControllerPort::ONE )

API to sweep the load current with configurable load step in Constant Current or Constant Resistance mode In CC Mode, Lowest load step is 8mA In CR Mode, Lowest load step is 25mA.

LoadStart_Ampsload current start value in Amps
LoadStop_Ampsload current stop value in Amps
LoadStep_MilliAmpsload current step value in MilliAmps
StepIntervalMilliSecTime interval between consecutive load step in MilliSeconds
LoadModeLoad Mode Supported Modes: CC or CR mode
LoadStopCondition_VoltageDropMin_VoltsSet the stop condition for load sweep by vbus voltage drop value
channelset the channel VBUS or VCONN
portGRL-USB-PD-C2's Port 1 or Port 2. Default is Port 1
0 = Success 1 = Fail

◆ SetEloadState()

int GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.SetEloadState ( EloadChannel channel,
SwitchState state,
ControllerPort port = ControllerPort::ONE )

Sets the E-load state as ON or OFF. Ensure that the GRL-USB-PD-C2 controller mode is set as a Sink before turning on the E-load. You may also need to ensure the VBUS switch is turned OFF before turning ON the E-load switch. Use this function with caution - in case the over current protection of the DUT is not turned on, drawing more power may cause damage to the DUT.

channelset the channel VBUS or VCONN
portGRL-USB-PD-C2's Port 1 or Port 2. Default is Port 1
0 = Success 1 = Fail

◆ SetEPRActionConfiguration()

int GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.SetEPRActionConfiguration ( EPRConfig eprConfig,
ControllerPort port = ControllerPort::ONE )

This API is used to Set EPR Configuration.

portONE or TWO, parameter to select the controller port for this API configuration
eprConfigEPREntry, EPREnterModeConfig, EPREnterSuccededConfig, EPRSrcCapConfig, EPRModeWaitConfig, EPRModeEnterFailedConfig
0- Configured successfully 1- Failure in configuration

◆ SetEPRMode()

int GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.SetEPRMode ( bool enableEPRMode,
ControllerPort port = ControllerPort::ONE )

This API is used to enable or disable the EPR mode.

enableEPRModetrue or false, parameter to enable or disable the EPR mode
portONE or TWO, parameter to select the controller port for this API configuration
0- Configured successfully 1- Failure in configuration

◆ SetFRSwapDetection()

void GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.SetFRSwapDetection ( bool isFRSwapEnable = true)

This API used to Set FRSwap signal detect configuration.

isFRSwapEnableTrue - Enable FR_Swap;False - Disable FR_Swap

◆ SetGroupSinkCapability()

int GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.SetGroupSinkCapability ( SinkCapability objSinkCapability,
ControllerPort port = ControllerPort::ONE,

This API is used to set the group of sink cap's.

objSinkCapabilityConfigure th sinkcap
portGRL-USB-PD-C2's Port 1 or Port 2. Default is Port 1
sopTypeConfigure the message sop type
0 = Success 1 = fail to set

◆ SetMessagePayload()

bool GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.SetMessagePayload ( params byte[] payloadInByte)

This API is used to set payload for Data/Extended messages.

payloadInByteConfigure Payload value in Byte
True - Valid payload, False - Invalid payload

◆ SetNotToSendRequestMessageResponse()

int GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.SetNotToSendRequestMessageResponse ( MsgType msgType,
bool dontSendResponse,
ControllerPort port = ControllerPort::ONE )

This API is used to disables the GRL-USB-PD-C2/F1 controller from sending response messages to any particular message requests.

msgTypeMessage type to which you want to configure response
dontSendResponseIf you want not to send response set true
0 if Connected 1 if Connection Error.

◆ SetOverCurrentProtection()

bool GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.SetOverCurrentProtection ( bool enableOCP,
bool enableCurrentLimit,
int setOCPValue )

This API is used to set over current protection value of C2 controller.

enableOCPFlag to enable/disable over current protection event
enableCurrentLimitFlag to enable/disable current limit of C2 while testing with PPS chargers
setOCPValueValue in percentage, This value added with requested current of sink
Returns True if Success else False.

◆ SetPd_Controller()

void GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.SetPd_Controller ( PD_Controller pdCtrler)

This API is used for configuring the PD parameters to their default values.

pdCtrlerSend the object of PD_Controller to set the values in PD_Controller variable

◆ SetPdSpecificationRevision()

int GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.SetPdSpecificationRevision ( SpecRevision specRevision,
ControllerPort port = ControllerPort::ONE )

This API is used to set the PD spec revision value.

portGRL-USB-PD-C2 / GRL-USB-PD-F1's Port 1 or Port 2. Default is Port 1
0 = Success 1 = fail to set

◆ SetQCVoltageChangeRequest()

int GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.SetQCVoltageChangeRequest ( int Voltage)

This API is used to request QC sink DUT to change the voltage level to 5V, 9V, 12V or 20V.

VoltageVoltage value to be requested by Tester. Applicable voltage levels are 5V, 9V, 12V or 20V
0 = Success. 1 = Fail.

◆ SetQCVoltageDecrementRequest_200mV()

int GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.SetQCVoltageDecrementRequest_200mV ( )

This API is used to decrease VBUS voltage level by 200mV by sending pulses over D- line.

0 = Success. 1 = Fail. 3 = Error_In_QC3_Mode.

◆ SetQCVoltageIncrementRequest_200mV()

int GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.SetQCVoltageIncrementRequest_200mV ( )

API to increase VBUS voltage level by 200mV by sending pulses over D+ line.

0 = Success. 1 = Fail. 3 = Error_In_QC3_Mode.

◆ SetRpValue()

int GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.SetRpValue ( RpValue rpVal,
ControllerPort port = ControllerPort::ONE )

This API is used to set Rp value of the C2 Controller when it is set to Source mode Note: Using cable set API (UseTesterCable(EmulateCableOn.CC1)) you can define Rp value on CC1 or CC2.

rpValSet the Rp value (900mA, 1.5A or 3A)
portController port
0 = Success 1 = Fail

◆ SetSinkCapability()

int GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.SetSinkCapability ( SinkCapability objSinkCapability,
ControllerPort port = ControllerPort::ONE )

This API is used to set the sink capability of the GRL-USB-PD-C2/F1 controller. This is applicable only when the controller mode is set as Sink or DRP.

portGRL-USB-PD-C2's Port 1 or Port 2. Default is Port 1
0 = Success 1 = fail to set

◆ SetSinkRequestMessage()

int GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.SetSinkRequestMessage ( RequestMessage objRequest,
ControllerPort port = ControllerPort::ONE )

This API is used to set the sink request message during the PD contract negotiations. Once the GRL-USB-PD-C2 controller receives the source capability.

portGRL-USB-PD-C2's Port 1 or Port 2. Default is Port 1
0 = Success 1 = fail to set

◆ SetSnifferMode()

int GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.SetSnifferMode ( bool enableSnifferMode,
bool IsGRL_SPL_TestCable_UsedOnBothC2Ports = false )

This API allows user to enable/disable the sniffer mode When sniffer was enabled, controller will capture VBUS/CC1/CC2 details exchanged between devices connected between Port1 and extension slot. When sniffer was enabled, controller will be set to default working mode This API allows user to enable/disable the sniffer mode When sniffer was enabled, controller will capture VBUS/CC1/CC2 details exchanged between devices connected between Port1 and extension slot. When sniffer was enabled, controller will be set to default working mode.

enableSnifferModeSet this parameter to True to enable sniffer mode Set this parameter to False to disable sniffer mode
IsGRL_SPL_TestCable_UsedOnBothC2PortsSet this parameter to True if GRL-SPL test cable was connected to both Port1 and Port2 of C2 Controller (Controller emulates cable by appling Ra on CC-line) Set this parameter to False if GRL-SPL test cable was not connected to both Port1 and Port2 of C2 Controller (Controller does not emulates cable) Note: Set this parameter to False, if any standard USB-C cable(including tethered/captive DUT) was connected to Port1 or Port2 of C2 Controller
0 = Success. 1 = Fail.

◆ SetSourceCapability()

int GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.SetSourceCapability ( SourceCapability objSourceCapability,
ControllerPort port = ControllerPort::ONE )

This API is used to set the Source cap value.

portGRL-USB-PD-C2's Port 1 or Port 2. Default is Port 1
0 = Success 1 = fail to set

◆ SetTesterAsQuickChargeSink()

int GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.SetTesterAsQuickChargeSink ( bool enableQCMode,
bool enablePDSupportInQCMode )

This API is used to set tester as quick charge sink device.

enableQCModeTrue - Enable QC mode, False - Disable QC Mode
enablePDSupportInQCModeTrue- enable PD support in QC - False - disable PD support in QC
0 = Success. 1 = Fail.

◆ SetTesterCableDropCompensation()

int GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.SetTesterCableDropCompensation ( bool compensateCableDrop)

This API is used to Configure Tester to enable or disable the cable drop compensation in VBUS/VCONN voltage measurements This API is applicable only for GRL-SPL cable.

compensateCableDropSet this parameter to True to enable the cable drop compensation Set this parameter to False to disable the cable drop compensation
0 = Success. 1 = Fail.

◆ SetTesterUnChkExdMsgSupport()

int GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.SetTesterUnChkExdMsgSupport ( int iSupported,
bool bClearConfig,
bool IsAppCtrl )

This API used to enable or disable the Unchunked Extended message.

iSupported1-Supported, 0-Not Supported
bClearConfigTrue - Reset the unchunked False- set the unchunked
IsAppCtrlIf False - Overwrite DUT config, True-App config data
0- Configured successfully 1- Failure in configuration

◆ SetTesterVBUSCapacitance()

void GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.SetTesterVBUSCapacitance ( Tester_VBus_Capacitance capacitance)

This API is used to set the VBUS Capacitance on the GRL-USB-PD-C2/F1 controller. When this function is called, appropriate capacitance is added across VBUS and ground.


◆ SetTriggerOutput()

bool GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.SetTriggerOutput ( int TriggerPulseDurationInMicroSeconds = 300)

This API is used to set the output trigger with pulse signal.

TriggerPulseDurationInMicroSecondsPulse trigger time duration
TRUE - Succeed, FALSE - Failed

◆ SetVbusVoltage()

int GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.SetVbusVoltage ( double voltageInVolt,
double currentLimitInAmps,
ControllerPort port = ControllerPort::ONE )

This API is used to set the VBus voltage. Ensure that the GRL-USB-PD-C2/F1 controller mode is set as a Source before setting the voltage. After setting the voltage you may need to turn On the voltage switch using the SetVbusState function.

voltageInVoltVoltage to be set
currentLimitInAmpsCurrent limit
portGRL-USB-PD-C2's Port 1 or Port 2. Default is Port 1
0 = Success 1 = Fail

◆ SetVconnLoadCurrent()

int GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.SetVconnLoadCurrent ( double Vconn_Current,
VCONNLoading vCONNLoading = VCONNLoading::VCONN_TO_CC2,
ControllerPort port = ControllerPort::ONE )

This API is used to set VCONN Current, Either CC1 or CC2.

Connection_Success = 0, Controller_Connection_Error = 1, Error_in_Reading_Calibration_Data = 2, Error_In_QC3_Mode = 3, Over_Current_Error = 4, Unknown_Error = 100,

◆ SetVconnVoltage() [1/2]

bool GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.SetVconnVoltage ( double dVconnVolt,
VCONNLoading vconnComm,
ControllerPort port = ControllerPort::ONE )

This API is used to set the tester Vconn voltage either CC2 or CC1.

dVconnVoltsend double value of which voltage tester VCONN has to set
vconnCommSet on which communciation line VCONN has to set, either CC1 or CC2
True = Success;False = Fail.

◆ SetVconnVoltage() [2/2]

bool GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.SetVconnVoltage ( double voltage,
ControllerPort port = ControllerPort::ONE )

This API is used for the configuring the VCONN voltage on CC1 or CC2 line.

voltageConfigure the VCONN voltage in millivolts (mV).
If Configured successfully, return true; otherwise, return false.Based on the retry count>1 got the error

◆ SetVendorDefinedMessageResponse()

int GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.SetVendorDefinedMessageResponse ( VDM_CMD cmdType,
VendorDefinedMessage responseMessage,
ControllerPort port = ControllerPort::ONE )

This API is used to set Payload details of VDM message responded by USB-PD-C2 controller.

cmdTypeSelect the VDM message type for which payload details will be configured GrlPdLib.VDM_CMD.Discover_ID GrlPdLib.VDM_CMD.Discover_SVID GrlPdLib.VDM_CMD.Discover_Mode GrlPdLib.VDM_CMD.Enter_Mode GrlPdLib.VDM_CMD.Exit_Mode GrlPdLib.VDM_CMD.Attention GrlPdLib.VDM_CMD.DP_StatusUpdate GrlPdLib.VDM_CMD.DP_Configure
responseMessageObject to configure the payload details
sopTypeTo select SOP type GrlPdLib.SOP_TYPE.SOP GrlPdLib.SOP_TYPE.SOP1 GrlPdLib.SOP_TYPE.SOP2
portGRL-USB-PD-C2/F1's Port 1 or Port 2. Default is Port 1
0 = Success 1 = Fail

◆ Short_Dplus_Dminus()

int GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.Short_Dplus_Dminus ( bool isApplyShort)

Using this API to SHORT D+ and D- line.

isApplyShortTrue - To apply short False - To Remove short
0 - Success

◆ ShortVBUSLine()

int GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.ShortVBUSLine ( bool EnableShort,
ControllerPort port = ControllerPort::ONE )

Use this API to short VBUS line to ground.

EnableShortSet this param to true to short VBUS line to ground Set this param to false to remove the short connection from VBUS line to ground
portGRL-USB-PD-C2/GRL-USB-PD-F1's Port 1 or Port 2. Default is Port 1
0 = Success. 1 = Fail.

◆ ShortVbustoGround()

bool GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.ShortVbustoGround ( bool IsEnable,
int shortingTime_milliSec,
ControllerPort port = ControllerPort::ONE )

TO short VBUS to ground.

IsEnabletrue - Enable Shorting; false - Disable short
shortingTime_milliSecupdate shorting time in milli seconds
portController port info port one or two
True - Configured successfully, False- Failure in configuration

◆ ShortVconntoGround()

bool GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.ShortVconntoGround ( bool IsEnable,
int shortingTime_milliSec,
VCONNLoading Vconnlodg = VCONNLoading::VCONN_TO_CC2,
ControllerPort port = ControllerPort::ONE )

TO short VCONN to ground.

IsEnabletrue - Enable Shorting; false - Disable short
shortingTime_milliSecupdate shorting time in milli seconds
VconnlodgVconn Line- VCONN_TO_CC2 or VCONN_TO_CC1
portController port info port one or two
True - Configured successfully, False- Failure in configuration

◆ StartCapture()

int GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.StartCapture ( List< MeasurementChannel > listOfMeasurementChannel = null,
int subSamplingRatio = 1000,
bool enCableDrop = false,
bool bEnableLSADC = true,
bool bEnableCCLine = true,
int socBufferSize = 1,
ControllerPort port = ControllerPort::ONE )

This API starts the data capture from the C2 Controller, which includes PD messages and configured list of signal channels from USB-C port of C2 Controller.

listOfMeasurementChannelParameter to configure the list of signal channels to be capture from USB-C port of C2 Controller
  1. This parameter defines the sub sampling rate at which the signal channels are getting captured. Maximum supported sample rate by C2 controller in 2.4 Million Samples/second for 1 channel, if multiple channels are configured, then sample rate will get reduced by those many number of channels configured
  2. Recommended default value for this parameter in 1000, which means that configured signal lines will be captured at 2400 Samples/second for 1 channel
  3. If this parameter was set to 0, then signal will be captured at the max supported sample rate (2.4MS/s), choosing this value will cause huge memory accumulation for longer capture duration, so it is recommended to keep this value bigger for longer capture duration
enCableDropThis parameter enables the test cable drop compensation in the voltage measurements. Set this parametr to "true" when using test cable to connect the DUT to C2 controller Set this parametr to "false" when the DUT was connected directly to C2 controller(Captive or Tethered cable devices) Refer cable drop compensation section in USB-PD-C2 Software user guide for calculating the cable drop for the test cable
bEnableLSADCThis parameter enables the USB-C port signal acquisition by C2 controller
bEnableCCLineThis parameter enables the PD message acquisition by C2 controller
socBufferSizeThis parameter defines the Ethernet read buffer size in KiloBytes Supported values 1,8,16,32,62. Assigning any other values to this parameter will be considered as 1.
0 = Success 1 = Fail

◆ StartReadingStreamerData()

bool GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.StartReadingStreamerData ( int controllerIndex)

Use this API to read streamer data from controller.

controllerIndexSet controller index eg:"1"

◆ StopCapture()

int GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.StopCapture ( int Timeout = 5000)

Stops the data capture, including any PD messages and voltage values.


TimeoutTimeout for streamer to stop reading data from C2 Controller
0 = Success. 1 = Fail.

◆ SwitchToExternalEload()

bool GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.SwitchToExternalEload ( bool isEnable)

External eload ON/OFF.

isEnableEnable or disable eload True - Enable False - Disable
True - External Eload enabled;False - External Eload disabled

◆ UpdateController()

void GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.UpdateController ( PD_Controller m_PDctrl,
PD_Controller_C2Gen2 m_PDctrlGen2 )

To update the Controllers.

m_PDctrlAssign the properties to PD_Controller.cs
m_PDctrlGen2Assign the properties to PD_Controller_C2Gen2.cs

◆ UpdateVoltageToPDMessage()

double GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.UpdateVoltageToPDMessage ( ControllerPort port = ControllerPort::ONE)

Use this API to Update the voltage to PDMessage.

portGRL-USB-PD-C2's Port 1 or Port 2. Default is Port 1
VBUS voltage value

◆ UseTesterCable()

int GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.UseTesterCable ( VendorDefinedMessage vdm = null,
ControllerPort port = ControllerPort::ONE,
EmulateCableOn ccline = EmulateCableOn::CC2 )

vdmIf the VDM is not set, default VDM with 20V 5A will be set
portGRL-USB-PD-C2's Port 1 or Port 2. Default is Port 1
cclineUsing EmulateCableOn you can set Rp value on CC line ccline = EmulateCableOn.CC1 then Rp value in CC2 line ccline = EmulateCableOn.CC2 then Rp value in CC1 line
Return 0 if Success.

◆ UseTypeCCable()

int GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.UseTypeCCable ( ControllerPort port = ControllerPort::ONE)

API to configure GRL-SPL cable.

portGRL-USB-PD-C2's Port 1 or Port 2. Default is Port 1
0 = Success 1 = fail to set

◆ ValidateRequest_By_index()

int GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.ValidateRequest_By_index ( int iPDOind,
ControllerPort port = ControllerPort::ONE )

API to validate request message by using request message PDO index.

iPDOindRequest PDO index
0 = Success else Fail

◆ WaitFor()

void GrlC2ApiLib.GrlC2Controller.WaitFor ( int waitTimeMilli)

Method to provide delay in milliseconds.

waitTimeMilliConfigure delay in milliseconds